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Home » AgriXchange digital marketplace launched

AgriXchange digital marketplace launched

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IN A bid to better sell the farmers’ crops faster, the Davao City Agriculture’s Office (CAO) officially launched yesterday AgriXchange Davao, the virtual agri-bagsakan for farmers and buyers. AgriXchange is a Facebook-based group that serves as an online marketplace where the farmers can post about the crops that they expect to harvest in the next few weeks.

IN A bid to better sell the farmers’ crops faster, the Davao City Agriculture’s Office (CAO) officially launched yesterday AgriXchange Davao, the virtual agri-bagsakan for farmers and buyers. AgriXchange is a Facebook-based group that serves as an online marketplace where the farmers can post about the crops that they expect to harvest in the next few weeks.

“This aims to help farmers find new market opportunities, and thereby, increase their profit. This will likewise benefit the buyers as they will be able to 1) buy products without passing through middlemen dictating excessive mark ups on the products, and 2) they will be able to know the origin of the food bought and agricultural practices being applied,” read the online About page section of the group.

After its launching, there are already 150 members in the group. According to CAO officer-in-charge Leo Brian Leuterio, this virtual agri-bagsakan is the city government’s contribution to efforts to lessen the gap between the farmers and the buyers caused by the middle men.

See full article at Sunstar


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