Fungicides are increasingly being used in Brazil as an alternative to control black spot (Phyllosticta citricarpa) in citrus. In this scenario, BASF launched Tutor (Copper hydroxide), which has been outstanding because it is a product of preventive use and also has a bactericidal effect.
According to the manufacturer, the difference in the formula is copper hydroxide, which can help inhibit mold spores and resistance management. In addition, this fungicide can also be used for the control of cercosporiosis in coffee cultivation, Phytophthora infestans on potatoes and Alternaria solani on tomatoes.
The disease of citrus black spot is caused by the fungus Phyllosticta citricarpa; although it does not cause any interference in the flavor of the fruit, it promotes the appearance of dark spots that appear on the bark and may affect the fruits, making the product devalued and forcing breeders to sell them to the industry, which may not be as profitable as it is a much smaller market.
See full article at Agropages