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Home » Farm-gate prices up nearly 5% in 2017

Farm-gate prices up nearly 5% in 2017

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Prices received by farmers for their produce rose by almost 5 percent in 2017, as traders were forced to pay more for some crops that recorded declines in output, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

Prices received by farmers for their produce rose by almost 5 percent in 2017, as traders were forced to pay more for some crops that recorded declines in output, according to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

In the PSA’s latest report, titled “Performance of Philippine Agriculture,” garlic recorded the biggest annual hike in farm-gate prices at 66.42 percent. Traders bought garlic at P85.82 per kilogram (kg) last year, from P51.57 per kg in 2016. While the garlic output of 7,750 metric tons (MT) last year was higher by 3.76 percent, it was not enough to meet local demand.

Data from the PSA showed that traders paid more for mangoes, as the average farm-gate price rose by 37.26 percent to P39.31 per kg last year, from the previous year’s P28.51 per kg. Mango production in 2017 fell by nearly 10 percent to 737,030 MT, from 814,050 MT.

See full article at Business Mirror


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