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Home » Food scientists create novel magnetic nanoparticles for rapid screening of pesticide residue in vegetables

Food scientists create novel magnetic nanoparticles for rapid screening of pesticide residue in vegetables

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Food scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) developed a rapid and highly sensitive screening technique capable of detecting minute amounts of pyrethroids in vegetables, a common type of synthetic pesticide applied on agricultural crops. The innovative strategy makes use of magnetic nanoparticles to simplify pyrethorid extraction, reducing the screening process to under two hours.

Food scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) developed a rapid and highly sensitive screening technique capable of detecting minute amounts of pyrethroids in vegetables, a common type of synthetic pesticide applied on agricultural crops. The innovative strategy makes use of magnetic nanoparticles to simplify pyrethorid extraction, reducing the screening process to under two hours.

Synthetic pesticides such as pyrethorids are widely used in vegetable farming to control agricultural pests. While the use of these pesticides improves crop yield, long-term ingestion of excessive pesticide residues through the consumption of fruits and vegetables that have been subject to pesticide abuse could lead to adverse health effects.

Several methods have since been established to screen vegetable crops for pyrethorid residue. However, they require time consuming and costly procedures such as column filtration and centrifugation, and can take up to six hours to process and analyse a sample.

See full article at Agropages


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