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Home » In search of diet and climate-friendly rice

In search of diet and climate-friendly rice

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Back when I was busy pounding the agri-commodities beat, one of the things that I obsessively monitored was the National Food Authority’s (NFA) rice inventory. This is not a “sexy” topic for any business reporter. Why bother with rice stocks, when it’s more exciting to cover, say, a corporate takeover that can shock and awe the stock market?

Back when I was busy pounding the agri-commodities beat, one of the things that I obsessively monitored was the National Food Authority’s (NFA) rice inventory. This is not a “sexy” topic for any business reporter. Why bother with rice stocks, when it’s more exciting to cover, say, a corporate takeover that can shock and awe the stock market?

So it might not be sexy, but it’s nonetheless significant whenever there’s news that the NFA’s inventory has fallen below the required 15-day buffer stock, as this means that the state-owned body will have to tender for rice anytime soon.

According to a report by BusinessMirror journalist Jasper Emmanuel Y. Arcalas, the NFA is urging the interagency National Food Security Committee to recommend the importation of 250,000 metric tons of rice to beef up its stockpile, which is now just equivalent to three days of consumption. At an average daily consumption rate of 31,000 MT, that means that the NFA is holding just over 90,000 MT in its warehouses.

See full article at Business Mirror


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