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Home » PHilMech steps up online training amid ‘new normal’

PHilMech steps up online training amid ‘new normal’

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QUEZON CITY, Sept. 21 — The Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech) trained 1, 387 machine operators from 694 Farmers’ Cooperatives and Associations (FCAs) nationwide amidst the pandemic by stepping up the adoption of online trainings and webinars to accelerate the implementation of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Program-Mechanization Program (RCEF-MP).

“With the Covid-2019 pandemic forcing social distancing, PHilMech needs to conduct its trainings for RCEF-MC through online channels. And so far, PHilMech has gotten positive feedback from the beneficiaries of RCEF-MP who have attended our online trainings,” said PHilMech Executive Director Dr. Baldwin G. Jallorina.

PHilMech utilizes social media platforms to conduct online trainings. It coordinates with the Field Moderators (FMs) who serve as the on-site Training Management Staffs in lieu of PHilMech for the conduct of the online trainings for the FCAs.

See full article at Philippine Information Agency
