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Home » Photo-powered app could help farmers diagnose crop diseases themselves

Photo-powered app could help farmers diagnose crop diseases themselves

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A new app that uses a simple photograph of a leaf to provide near-instant automatic diagnosis of diseased crops could prove a major agricultural breakthrough for farmers and producers alike. It has been developed by staff at Manchester Metropolitan University.

A new app that uses a simple photograph of a leaf to provide near-instant automatic diagnosis of diseased crops could prove a major agricultural breakthrough for farmers and producers alike. It has been developed by staff at Manchester Metropolitan University.

The idea of the Crop Disease Detector app is to assist arable farmers to improve their yield by giving them quicker and more accurate data on which to base their disease control strategies and therefore stop their harvests being diminished by infection.

Professor Liangxiu Han, Professor of Computer Science at the University’s School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology, said: “Crop plants can be affected by various diseases and it is estimated that almost 40 per cent of worldwide crops are lost to diseases, with the potential to cause devastating economical, social and ecological losses.

See full article at Agropages


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