The use of biological inputs on agriculture can reduce by 40% the application of insecticides, said Lucas Rona, LatAm Pronutiva business manager – crop protection & biosolution at Arysta LifeScience.
The use of biological inputs on agriculture can reduce by 40% the application of insecticides, said Lucas Rona, LatAm Pronutiva business manager – crop protection & biosolution at Arysta LifeScience.
According to him, in some crops it can reduce the use of fungicides and insecticides by 100%. “It is possible due to the stimulus of fortification of plants by the action of physioactivators,” he said.
“It is an indisputable trend on the sustainable production of vegetable food. The more the producer implements techniques and new technology to increase food safety, the lower will be the level of residue. When he ensures a good management of residue, he will have more conditions of market access and will increase the profitability of his business. So, we are talking about food with more quality,” Rona explained.
See full article at Agropages