WITH a critical mass of some 500,000 agricultural cooperatives from the 10 Asean countries – yes, about 500,000 is the total number of the cooperatives of farmers, fisherfolk, women and of the indigenous people based on the figures given by the delegates representing their respective countries when we met in Bangkok, Thailand in 2012 during the meeting of the Asean Center for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives (Acedac).
WITH a critical mass of some 500,000 agricultural cooperatives from the 10 Asean countries – yes, about 500,000 is the total number of the cooperatives of farmers, fisherfolk, women and of the indigenous people based on the figures given by the delegates representing their respective countries when we met in Bangkok, Thailand in 2012 during the meeting of the Asean Center for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives (Acedac).
The delegates to the 7th Asian Cooperatives Business Forum have come together January 16 to 18 for a 3-day convergence in Manila to bring to the fore the voice, the issues and concerns, the business plan and the advocacies of their hundreds of millions of members in the spirit of cooperation and oneness.
The theme, “Cooperatives, being members-owned, value-based and sustainable, are advancing prosperity for all,” has put in clear categorical term the very essence of cooperativism and why we have to propel cooperative business to greater heights.
See full article at Sunstar