Syngenta once again rose above the competition, continuing its winning streak among regional corn derbies. Previously victorious in the Cordillera and Cagayan Valley regional derbies, Syngenta now conquers in the South Cotabato Provincial Corn Derby, with NK6410 Bt/GT and NK306 Bt/GT clinching the top two spots.
The event was launched last June 8, 2020 in Banga, South Cotabato. There, four seed companies brought their best two hybrid varieties to compete and showcase their performance on four stages: On the germination stage, varieties were evaluated based on which ones had better germination percentage. While going through the vegetative stage, the produce were measured according to standability and vegetative result. Crops during the soft dough stage were judged according to ear size and quality and signs of disease damage. Lastly, the over-all top performing variety was chosen according to yield size during the harvesting stage.
The crops were scheduled for harvesting and data gathering on September 21, 2020 and the results were announced on October 20, 2020. NK6410 emerged on top, with a yield of 11.86 metric tons per hectare. Following closely at second place was NK306, which yielded 10.98 metric tons per hectare.
See full article at Manila Bulletin