QUEZON CITY, Dec. 18 — The Department of Finance (DOF) and the Department of Agriculture (DA)led by Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez and Secretary William D. Dar, respectively said the recommendations forwarded by the participants at the Sulong Pilipinas 2019 Agribusiness Summit will be presented to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte for immediate action.
QUEZON CITY, Dec. 18 — The Department of Finance (DOF) and the Department of Agriculture (DA) led by Secretary Carlos G. Dominguez and Secretary William D. Dar, respectively said the recommendations forwarded by the participants at the Sulong Pilipinas 2019 Agribusiness Summit will be presented to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte for immediate action.
Rest assured that the programs and plans of action proposed at the Sulong Pilipinas 2019 Agribusiness Summit will be guided by the principles of good governance, transparency, consultative engagement and, most importantly, with greater sense of urgency, as well as continue to create a much better narrative for Philippine agriculture, said Dar, whose message was read on his behalf by DA Undersecretary for Policy and Planning Rodolfo Vicerra.
Secretary Dominguez, for his part, urged conference participants to think out of the box as this is the moment to break out from the structures that trapped so many Filipinos in poverty for far too long.
See full article at Philippine Information Agency